Eve Evens of Lancypat  
Eve Evens of Lancypat Haralice Harryo Bowanne Bolshy Bert Tushielaw Clyde Teddy Boy of Tushielaw
Kenee Jess of Tushielaw
Michelmas Holly of Bowanne Acremead Solo of Bowanne
Roseadore Princess Lisa
Haralice Hello Dolly Haralice Herald Doddsline Danny Boy of Scarlac
Haralice Helena
Kenine Bee at Haralice Doddsline Joshua of Risehill
Chainy's Jem
Swanndale Black Widow Doddsline Rusty at Atomohi Foxthyme Tomsk Bowanne Bolshy Bert
Delsteps Madonna of Foxthyme
Doddsline Tea Rose Pip of Doddsline
Doddsline Selena
Doddsline Tilly Mint at Swanndale Doddsline Lord at Swanndale Doddsline Ben
Tapatina Be Lucky of Doddsline
Doddsline Emily Bowanne Bolshy Bert
Doddsline Trudy

Female Lancashire Heeler present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Male Lancashire Heeler present twice in 4 generation pedigree
Female Lancashire Heeler present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Male Lancashire Heeler present three times in 4 generation pedigree
Female Lancashire Heeler present four times in 4 generation pedigree
Male Lancashire Heeler present four times in 4 generation pedigree
A Lancashire Heeler Community Project